Essay Checkers

Experienced Checkers

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It’s time to take back your grades. You’ve probably heard about essay checkers and how they can be used to cheat on tests. But what you might not know is that these tools are also great for students who want to do the right thing.

What if you didn’t have much time or energy but wanted to make sure your homework was done well? Or you’re getting ready for finals week and need every grade possible? Before answering all these questions, let’s define an essay checker.

What is an essay checker?

It is an online writing tool that checks, flags, and suggests the best ways to correct the mistakes.

Students use them to proofread their research papers, essays, and term papers, among others. It’s possible to use these writing tools and preserve your academic integrity, so ease up and learn!

What does it do?

The following are the main functions:

Grammar check

Grammar mistakes don’t look pretty on any writing, whether academic or not.

An online grammar checker (which may include a plagiarism checker) will scan your essay and identify all the grammatical errors. The writing tool then flags the spelling errors and delivers suggestions for correction.

Style check

Academic writing requires you to use different styles for different papers. A wrong writing style can cost you a good grade, so you better take this seriously. However, if you’re not sure your style is right and consistent, there’s help!

Essay checker online tool identifies any inconsistencies in your research paper. In other words, the tool ensures that your thesis statement, topic sentences, and conclusions are in line with one another.

Fact check

It’s possible to get and use erroneous information on your paper, especially if your sources aren’t legit. This tool scans your essay for factual errors; it could be wrong information, data, subject material, or statistics.

It will flag everything that needs confirmation and make the work easier for you. Once you receive the report, all you do is correct or eliminate the information. You’d rather have fewer statistics in your paper than use inaccurate figures.

Spell check

Do you know what misspelled words do? They leave a bad taste in the mouth, and no one wants that. A spell checker identifies all the spelling errors in your paper and suggests the correct spellings. It’s easy to use the tool and improve the quality of your writing.

Plagiarism check

Plagiarism is a crime, and there’s no room for it in academic writing. If you’re struggling with paraphrasing, an essay plagiarism detector can help. This tool also helps you get unique ideas for any plagiarized part of your paper.

An essay plagiarism checker exposes two types of plagiarism, namely incremental and unintentional plagiarism.

Incremental plagiarism check

This kind of plagiarism occurs when you lift various pieces of information from different areas then deliver them as your work. If you don’t cite the sources, you’re committing incremental plagiarism.

Direct plagiarism

This is the most obvious kind of plagiarism that a plagiarism checker quickly detects. If you copy and paste words, phrases, or sentences from another source without citing the source, you’re going down the slippery road.

Unintentional plagiarism

It occurs when you use other people’s work and fail to cite. It could be that you forgot, but the law doesn’t excuse that either. An improper citation could also pass for plagiarism.

Are you still reserved on using a plagiarism checker?

Citation check

These tools have citation tools that scan your document to ensure proper citation to avoid plagiarism. The checker flags wrong in-text citations and improper referencing depending on the citation style you’re using. A citation checker/ plagiarism checker also identifies areas with missing citations and makes the appropriate suggestions.

Punctuation check

This one looks for all punctuation errors in your paper, including wrong comma, inverted commas, and apostrophes. Understand that a misplaced comma can completely change the meaning of a sentence or a paragraph. A paper checker will make suggestions to reposition or remove some punctuations marks from your text.

How do essay checkers work?

They offer paper editing and proofreading services just like online writers do. The only difference is that this tool is AI-powered, so there’s no human interaction.

However, since it’s an Artificial Intelligence tool, its effectiveness is the closest it can get to a real human editor. The checker is programmed using writing experts’ Algorithms. These programs enable it to scan through a document, identify and flag errors for editing.

The following are the steps followed when using this online tool:

  1. Open the link to the site
  2. Copy your document and paste it in the checking box/space
  3. Run the checker and wait for it to complete the process
  4. Receive feedback

Examples of top essay checkers for students are:


Grammarly offers writing services using AI technology. The tool has a plagiarism detector, grammar checker, spell checker, and punctuation corrector.

You can use it for free, but the free version has fewer features than the premium one. If you opt for free Grammarly, you’ll miss out on the plagiarism check feature, tone corrector, and the advanced sentence structure checker.


This tool is among the cheapest one in the market, yet it offers so much. Paper rater checks for grammar errors, spelling mistakes, plagiarism and offers writing suggestions. This tool comes in handy for students and professionals alike.

Google docs grammar checker

This one is free of charge. Try this one if you’re a student drowning in essay writing but have no cash to spend on an essay checker. Google docs grammar checker will help you achieve the proofreading and editing paper basics.


ProWritingAid is an affordable and professional checker for students that offers quality services. The tool has grammar and punctuation checkers, a plagiarism checker, and a word counter.

This one also helps marketing teams in keeping a uniform tone in their campaigns. It’s therefore suitable for students and also professionals.

Ginger Grammar Checker

This is another proofreading software that offers quality writing services at an affordable price. It scans for plagiarism, checks spelling, identifies grammatical errors, and ensures proper English usage.

If you’re a confident writer, this is for you. The features are enough to help you tweak a few sentences here and there.


Antidote has a price range that accommodates everyone who needs essay checking help. This checker does the common grammar, spelling, and sentence structure checks. Above all that, Antidote will go the extra mile to boost your overall wring skills.

This tool does quite an intense job, so the high price packages are justifiable. Also, Antidote caters to a wide range of customers, and each group has unique and different needs from the other. You can also download a mobile version for your Android and iOS.

Why Them?

• Saves time
• Boosts writing skills
• It’s like a third party
• Helps non-natives
• Numerous cost-effective benefits

For whatever reason, some students prefer doing grammar check on their papers for every possible mistake. Below are some of the reasons why you should consider this tool.

It saves time

It takes less than 3 minutes to run checks on your paper. The tool scans through your writing for errors and gives the results in a matter of minutes. This will save you time that can be better utilized for reviewing the paper, planning your work, and gathering information.

Sometimes you’re rushing to beat a tight deadline, and you don’t have the luxury of time. If you decide to proofread and edit your paper manually, it will take you not less than an hour, depending on its length and complexity.

You’ll boost your writing skills

This tool will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in writing. It’s always advisable to use it after finishing writing a paper. This will help you to improve your writing skills by exposing various issues in your work.

Sometimes you could be misusing a word or phrase, but you may never tell if you only trust your editing skills. You’ll keep making the same punctuation errors.

It is like a third party

Most of the time, by the time you’re done writing the first paper draft, you’re exhausted, and your eyes can barely see. If you insist on proofreading and editing your document without help, you may miss lots of mistakes.

Asking a third party to check your paper is always a prudent move. Grammar checkers are your trusted writing partners. They are designed to identify every mistake ranging from punctuation to grammar, sentence structure problems, and overall writing.

It helps if English isn’t your first language

These tools are lifesavers for international students who aren’t native English speakers. Without prejudice, it’s obvious that if English isn’t your first language, you’ll struggle to get most things right. The same applies to other languages; natives make fewer spelling and grammar errors than non-natives.

Making proper use of it will help you boost your grades and your overall writing abilities. With all the online tools available, your writing mistakes should never be obvious to your reader.

You reap numerous cost-effective benefits

Most students who avoid online paper checkers assume that these tools are costly. While expensive or cheap could be relative, the fact is that most of them are pretty pocket-friendly.

Better still, you can also find free tools that function the same as the paid ones. The only difference is that certain features are inaccessible in the free versions. Imagine all these benefits in something you can afford? Legit checkers are worth a try.

The disadvantages

• The money factor
• Overdependence
• Lack of personal touch

Everything that has a pro has a con. It all depends on the angle of your assessment. Below are some of the common essay checker downsides:

The money factor

Even though most are affordable, you still have to part with your cash. The free versions are limited and only do the bare minimum. To get a thorough paper check, you need to pay. Only those who have the money can access it and reap the benefits.


It’s one thing to and love, and it’s another to remain dependent on something. Some students rely too much on essay checkers and don’t do their homework. If you can use it as a helping hand, it’s okay; if you make it your everyday savior, then there’s a problem.

Some don’t pay attention to grammar, spelling, or punctuations in their first draft. After all, theirs an essay checker to clear the mess. Such an attitude leads to laziness and stagnation.

Lack of personal touch

You could miss out on some funny or interesting points when using it. You may notice your mistakes, but you’ll be missing the unique voice that makes your paper original.

A personal touch makes your reader feel like you’re talking to them. Sometimes you can’t achieve that with an essay checker; if anything, it’ll only present the information more professionally. They flag all kinds of informality in your writing.

Tips for proper use

To reap maximum benefits from these checkers, you need to learn their proper use. Below are some valuable tips:

Understand your assignment

A paper checker is mostly but not always accurate. Sometimes essay checkers wrongly flag words, phrases, or even punctuations. If, according to the context and tone of your text, you believe that what you’ve written is right, don’t change it.

These tools use human intelligence, so they’re not perfect. It’s just that they do better than the average person since they’re professionally programmed.

Keep learning

If using it doesn’t make you a better writer, it beats the logic of using it. Learning and unlearning make you a more effective paper checker user. You reap more benefits from an essay checker if your skills are improving every time you use it.

Pay for it, if you can!

Free online tools are great when it comes to catching quick errors, but they aren’t reliable. As explained, the limitations of a free tool reduce its efficiency. If you have the cash, go for essay checkers that require payment. The money you spend is worth it since you’ll be getting a bonus feature- the accuracy of a human.

Bottom Line

There are numerous online tools available for checking your paper, and their pros outweigh their cons by far. However, you should use them appropriately to avoid paralyzing your learning process. If you can use them as a helping hand and not as the writing masters, you win. Also, ensure you find the best tools for the best services.

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