Top 100 Persuasive Speech Ideas
The most persuasive speech is one that relates to the person listening. For this reason, it is important to have a variety of ideas on hand when you are preparing your next speech. In order to help, we have compiled a list of the top 100 persuasive speech ideas! These speeches can be used for all kinds of occasions and in different situations – so no matter what type of event you’re addressing, there’s an idea here for you.
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What is Persuasion, and How Does it Work?
Persuasion is the act of convincing someone to see your point of view or adopt a particular opinion. There are many ways that people can be persuaded, and understanding these methods will help you know what strategy might work best for each person you’re trying to convince.
1. Rational persuasion: This method uses logic and reason to convince someone of a point.
2. Emotional persuasion: This method uses the speaker’s or writer’s feelings to convince someone of their position.
3. Example persuasion techniques: Logos, pathos, ethos (logic + emotion)
How to Pick an Excellent Persuasive Speech Idea
Great persuasive speeches start with the speaker picking great ideas that will then give a topic to the same speech. But how does one pick a good idea? For you to choose an idea that will interest your audience, consider the following guide.
1. Know the idea, or you are willing to learn about it.
The more knowledgeable a person is on an idea, the better chance there will be for success with their persuasive speech. This means that if you are not familiar with a particular subject, it’s best not to use it as the topic for your persuasive speech.
2. Your audience care about the topic associated with the idea
Ultimately, it’s your audience that will be deciding whether or not to listen. If you have chosen an idea that people care about, then they will feel compelled and excited about what you are saying (which is the ultimate goal!).
3. If the topic associated with the idea has been done to death
Some topics have been overdone, to the point where no one is interested in listening or reading about them. If you find your subject falls into this category, it’s best not to use it for a persuasive speech.
Step by Step Guide on How to Craft a Persuasive Speech
Naturally, after choosing the topic, the next step is to organize and draft it well for the presentation. There are many types of speeches out there, but for a persuasive speech, you will want to follow these four steps:
-Define your thesis. A thesis statement will be the point of your persuasive speech. It helps point your audience to what your speech is trying to accomplish.
-List all the main points or arguments. These are the points that you will support your thesis statement with. They should be organized in a logical way that makes sense to the audience.
-Add supporting points to the main arguments, complete with facts and some examples.
-Don’t neglect counterarguments. It’s important to show your audience the other side of an argument. That way, they will be able to see how it can still have validity, and you’ll also make yourself seem more objective in their eyes.
-Finish with a strong conclusion that reiterates the main arguments and leaves your audience with a memorable message.
100 Persuasive Speech Ideas for your Next Speech

- What’s the best college to attend?
- Are international students beneficial or harmful to colleges and universities in America?
- Why do you want to go to college?
- What are the benefits of attending a liberal arts college vs. an engineering school?
- Why should I go to community college or a trade school?
- What are your thoughts on online education and the future of higher education?
- In what ways can college transform a person’s life?
- Is college worth the cost?
- What are some of your favourite memories from college?
- How do you know if a school is “good?”
- How has college changed your life?
- What are some of the best memories you have from college?
- What are the most memorable moments from college?
- Should I take out loans for college?
- Why do people go to graduate school after they graduate with their bachelor’s degree?
- Do athletes deserve a free ride to college because of the money and fame that come with it?
- Which is better for college students: public or private colleges/universities?
- Should college athletes get paid?
- What are the pros and cons of attending a liberal arts school vs. an engineering school?
- Why should people go into STEM fields in college?
- How does going to college change your identity/persona?
- Does majoring in humanities make you employable, or is it just a waste of time and money?
- What are the benefits of attending college in-state vs. out-of-state college?
- Should I go to college if I want a job abroad or overseas?
- Are international students beneficial or harmful to colleges and universities in America?
Since we are still on college, you may also want to check a list of topics on expository essays!

- Should you pursue a career based on your passions or a career based on earning potential?
- What are some common misconceptions about careers?
- How do you know what career is best for you?
- The importance of having a purpose in one’s work, not just making money or following orders.
- It doesn’t matter if someone does their job the best they can as long as they’re doing it to help themselves and those around them.
- They need to have a backup plan if a career doesn’t work out the way they wanted it to, such as going back into education and getting another degree.
- How long should you be looking for your first job?
- What are some of the critical skills needed when searching for or applying for jobs?
- The importance of keeping up with trends in the job market.
- Although it’s not always possible to know ahead of time what you want to do for the rest of your life, it’s important not to give up on a dream too soon.
- It is easy to get wrapped up in the rat race, but there are other ways of living a good life without as much competition.
- How can someone know if they’re on the right career path?
- What are some tips for getting your dream job, even if it’s not the most prestigious or well-known opportunity?
- Do you need to know what career path you’re going down before college?
- How do companies determine salaries for employees?
- What are some of the benefits that come with a good-paying job, such as financial security and a comfortable living situation?
- Some people go into careers they don’t enjoy just because it seems like their skills are most needed, but this can lead to a lot of unhappiness.
- The importance of not settling for anything less than what you want when it comes to your career and life in general.
- How do you know if someone is qualified?
- What are some things that employers look for when evaluating job candidates?
You could spice things up on your career speech by utilizing ideas from our collection of special occasion ideas!

- What are some ways to make a difference in your community and on campus for the environment?
- Do we need more environmental regulations, or should it be up to companies’ judgment when they want to invest in new technology that might hurt the environment if there is an economic incentive?
- How can I take action to help the environment?
- What steps can I take on my own that will be beneficial for the environment and me personally?
- Why should I care about what climate change means for society in general, or just myself as an individual?
- How do you think our world would look different if we weren’t able to rely on fossil fuels for energy?
- What are some of the pros and cons of nuclear power as a viable alternative to fossil fuels?
- What are some minor changes that we can make as individuals to help the environment?
- Is it possible for us, on an individual level, to have a meaningful impact in terms of climate change and environmentalism?
- How do I know if my actions will make a difference when it comes to things like recycling or driving less often?
- How do we know if people in the future will be able to enjoy a healthy environment?
- What are some of the ways our world has already been changed because of damage to the environment over time?
- Why should I care about climate change and environmentalism when it’s not my responsibility or problem for someone who isn’t me to worry about?
- How can we make sure that future generations will be able to enjoy living on this planet?
- What are the benefits of recycling just one aluminum can take every day for a year, and how much CO₂ would you save in total as a result?
- Why is it important to recycle our plastics rather than throw them away?
- How will future generations remember us if we don’t take care of the environment today?
- What are some things that can be done on a large scale to make a difference in terms of climate change and environmentalism, all across the planet at once?
- Are there any small ways I could help for now with climate change and environmentalism?
- What are some ways to make a difference on campus for the environment or in your community?
You may also want to check ACT writing prompt
Ethics and Morality

- What are the pros and cons of being ethical?
- Why is it important to be honest, even when we know that telling the truth could lead to a problematic situation for us or cause problems with others?
- Is honesty always the best policy in terms of ethics?
- How does what you believe about ethics impact your behaviour and your decisions?
- What is the difference in ethics between someone who does not believe in anything versus what we might call a “religion”?
- Should the federal government prohibit private citizens from carrying weapons?
- Is it better to date someone who is from a different religion than you or no religion at all?
- Many people believe that astrology should not be taken seriously. What are your thoughts on this idea?
- Can I refuse service based on my religious beliefs?
- Is prostitution legal in the United States?
- Can I be fired from my job for refusing to provide services based on my religious beliefs?
- What do you think about euthanasia (the act of killing someone to end their suffering)?
- Do we have a responsibility to help animals who are hurt or endangered because they cannot take care of themselves, even if it is inconvenient?
- Is it better to date someone who is from a different religion than you or no religion at all?
- Should professional female athletes be paid the same as their male counterparts?
- What are some of the pros and cons of dating someone who is from a different religion than you, or no religion at all?
- Is it better for children if they have a mother and father at home, rather than two parents working outside the home?
- Should high school students be allowed to have jobs?
- Is it better for children if they have a mother and father at home, rather than two parents working outside the home?
- How can I care about my future when there are so many problems in our world today?
Still, on this topic, you may want to check our collection of controversial topics!
Family and Parenting

- How important is it for children to know their grandparents?
- What are the advantages of a two-parent household over a one-parent family (you can also divide this question into “single parent” or “stepfamily”)?
- Do you believe that parents should have the right to decide when and how they share information about sex with their children, or should the government have more of a say?
- Should parents only be allowed to spank their children in certain circumstances, or do you think it is never acceptable for them to use physical force against their kids?
- What are your thoughts on homeschooling? In what ways do homeschooling offer advantages over public schooling and vice versa?
- How do we balance a child’s need for independence with their need to be close and secure within the family unit or at home in general?
- A good parent is someone who values their child more than themselves.
- Parents should always set the right example for a child to follow.
- Parents need to teach children how to be independent of them, as well as dependent on them.
- If we are lucky enough and our parents raise us with love and care, we can succeed in life.
- Parents should show their children that they love them unconditionally with every decision they make and not only when there is a holiday or special occasion.
- A parent who wants the best for their child will give them all the tools to succeed while also teaching self-reliance.
- Parents should always be honest with their children and never lie to them.
- A parent’s job is not done when they give birth but is a lifelong commitment.
- Parents should help their children become independent by teaching them how to be responsible for themselves and what a good life entails.
- Every child needs someone who will love him unconditionally, teach him responsibility, and set the right examples about adulthood.
- Parents need to remember that they are not perfect; if they make mistakes as parents, they should try to be the best parent they can be and learn from them.
- Parents are constantly learning how to better themselves as parents; there is no perfect parenting style or method, only a commitment to children in what you teach them about life.
- You need people who will bring out your good qualities so that others may see them for what they are.
- It is best to teach children how to make decisions independently as often as possible because this helps with self-reliance and independence at a young age.
We also have a list of topics that are appropriate for kids!

- What is your opinion on the use of homeopathic medicine?
- Do you think that it should be a crime to refuse medical treatment for yourself or someone else who needs immediate help (such as bleeding and requiring stitches) due to religious beliefs?
- Is assisted suicide legal in the United States?
- Should people with disabilities be given a chance to work at their own pace in school and not be forced to keep up with peers who do not have disabilities?
- What are your thoughts on euthanasia (the act of killing someone to end their suffering)?
- Do you think that parents should be allowed to refuse medical treatment for a child if they disagree with it morally or religiously?
- Do you believe that a doctor should be allowed to refuse medical treatment for someone who needs it if they disagree with their lifestyle choices or moral/religious beliefs?
- Should doctors have the right to decide what appropriate care is based on their judgment and not on laws made by legislators regarding patient rights?
- Do you think that it is the government’s responsibility to provide health care for all of its citizens, or should individuals have more control over their own healthcare decisions?
- How do we make sure that everyone has access to affordable and quality healthcare while also ensuring that doctors and nurses are compensated fairly for their work?
- Do you think that it is the government’s responsibility to provide health care for all of its citizens, or should individuals have more control over their own healthcare decisions?
- Should genetically modified food be banned?
- Should abortion be legal in the United States, and what are your thoughts on parental consent laws or a waiting period before an abortion can take place?
- Do you think that parents should have to go through counselling if they want their child to undergo transgender treatment (i.e., hormones)?
- What is your opinion about vaccinations?
Technology and Social Media

- How can we use technology responsibly to maximize its benefits while minimizing its downsides?
- What are your thoughts on the use of social media?
- Do you think there is a risk-benefit balance in technology and its effect on society (ex. can be misused, has pros and cons)?
- Should government have the ability to censor content on social media platforms?
- How does the way we communicate with others change when it is done through devices like smartphones instead of face-to-face communication?
- Are people more likely to communicate more freely with each other in their day-to-day lives if they know that any negative things said can be deleted later?
- How does the use of social media affect children’s ability to learn and grow without having a risk factors such as bullying, physical/emotional abuse, or sexual exploitation?
- Should violent video games be banned?
- Do you think that advances in artificial intelligence will have a positive or negative effect on society?
- What are your thoughts about the future of artificial intelligence and its possible implications for our daily lives, including employment opportunities?
- Is there any danger to creating machines with human-like capabilities? If so, what is being done to prevent it from happening?
- Is it possible that artificial intelligence will one day be more intelligent than human beings, and what are the implications of this scenario?
- Do you think that advances in artificial intelligence will have a positive or negative effect on society?
- What do people need to know about AI to decide whether they want advanced AI technologies to be used in their lives?
- Should we make a law that all robots must have certain qualities and abilities, such as learning from their mistakes or staying within boundaries set by humans?
Remember that technology is constantly changing, which is why it is crucial to keep abreast of current events!
How to give a good persuasive speech

A good persuasive speech causes listeners to take action. It can be as simple as getting people to buy a new product, or it could be changing the way someone views your company.
The key to an effective persuasive speech is helping the audience see things from your perspective and convincing them of your point of view. If you are having trouble figuring out good persuasive speech topics, then read on to learn how to incorporate these types of things into your speeches.
1. Define your call to action
A good start is to think of what you want the audience to do. This could be anything from buying a new product, volunteering for your cause, or just listening more closely and learning about your company. Once you have this in mind, then try looking at things from their perspective. This will help you figure out good persuasive speech topics.
2. Reveal the problem or issue that your audience cares about
Once you have a good idea of your call to action, think about who would be interested in it and why they might care. What are some issues that might affect them? What can happen if someone doesn’t do something about it? By showing them how bad their problem is, you can help your audience care and take action.
3. Bring the solution into view.
Once you have established a good call-to-action for the audience and what good persuasive speech topic they would be interested in, then try pointing out how you help solve the problem. This is your chance to show them what your product or idea can do for their life or business and why they should want it in their lives or businesses.
4. End with a strong call-to-action
The last step is to bring your speech back around to what you hope the audience will do. It could be anything from buying your good persuasive speech topics to donating money or volunteering for a good cause. Whatever the action is, make sure it’s clear and your solution is relevant—this way, your speech with a solid call to action will motivate people to take the next step.
Remember that our ivy league writers are ready to ace that speech for you, and all you need to do is press the button below!