Top 150 Debate Topics for Kids
Debate topics for kids can be fun, and they give children the opportunity to learn more about an issue, debate their viewpoint with others or simply be creative. A good debate topic will get a child thinking and also introduce that child to new vocabulary words. This article will provide you with 150 debate topics that are appropriate for kids.
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What is Debating?
Debate is a fun and exciting activity that children all around the world are involved in. It involves two or more people with different ideas who come together to debate the truthfulness of their opinions. The aim is to persuade others and defend your position on a particular topic.
The Debate Topics for Kids
Each year, many children get the opportunity to participate in debating activities, and we know the number one reason for kids taking part in this activity is to get a good grade. For most debating courses, you will need to write an essay or produce a speech on specific topics. And here are some of the top150 debate topics that children can come up with when doing so:
Good Debate Topics for Kids About School

The following are great topics that kids can debate about school and education in general. You can take this basic idea and expand it with more information to make it better:
1. Do you agree or disagree that all children should go to school?
2. Do you think homework is necessary for school?
3. Should schools allow students to bring cell phones to school? Give your reasons.
4. What can teachers do to make the classrooms more enjoyable for kids and more productive simultaneously?
5. How can schools work to reduce bullying?
6. Should school cafeterias serve healthy foods, or is it okay for students to eat junk food?
7. What do you think of uniforms? Are they good for students or not so good? Give your reasons.
8. Are teachers underpaid? What can be done about this problem?
9. Should school have a no cell phone policy? If so, why, and if not, why not?
10. Is it necessary to give school children free lunches? Give your reasons.
11. Are there too many tests in school these days? What can be done about this problem?
12. Some schools teach creationism and intelligent design. Other schools teach evolution. Should this be done? Why or why not?
13. How can we reduce the amount of homework given to students in school?
14. What ways can you make going back to school after summer break more fun and exciting for children?
15. Is it hard to get good grades in school these days? What can be done to reduce the number of students with poor grades at schools?
16. Should we allow cell phones in class? Why or why not?
17. Which is better, a small private school or a large public school? Give your reasons.
18. How much homework should high school students get every night?
19. Should high schools require students to wear uniforms? Why or why not?
20. What is the best way for kids to stay motivated and keep their grades up in school these days?
You could check our other lists of topics for rhetorical analysis essays!
Good Debate Topics for Kids About the Environment

The following are some great debate topics for kids about the environment:
1. Do you think fracking is a good thing for our Earth? Give your reasons.
2. Should we be using nuclear power to get our energy? Why or why not?
3. Is it okay for people to want to build skyscrapers in areas where animals live?
4. Should we be buying recycled products or products made from renewable resources? Give your reasons.
5. Is it okay for people to cut down trees when building their houses and other buildings? What can be done about this issue?
6. Is it okay for a company to make big money by destroying the environment and harming animals?
7. Can people be good environmentalists and still have fun? Give your reasons.
8. Should we protect the environment or allow businesses to do as they wish regardless of what damage it does to the Earth? Why?
9. Is it okay for companies to dump their waste into rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.? Why or why not?
10. Is it okay for companies to make toys out of endangered animals like whales, tigers, rhinos, etc.? Give your reasons.
11. Can we save endangered species from going extinct by keeping them in zoos?
12. Should animals have human rights like the right to live freely without being
Interesting Debate Topics for Kids About Food, Nutrition, and Health

The following are some great debate topics for kids about food, nutrition, and health:
1. Is it okay to eat fast foods? Why or why not?
2. Should we be eating organic fruits and vegetables or regular fruits and vegetables? Give your reasons.
3. Are GMOs good or bad for people who eat them?
4. Should we be eating as much fast food as we do? Why or why not?
5. What can parents do to make sure their children are getting enough vitamins and minerals?
6. Should we be putting fluoride into our water? Give your reasons.
7. Is it healthful for people to eat a standard American diet or an alternative diet? Why or why not?
8. Are there too many fast-food restaurants near schools, and should these be banned?
9. How can we reduce the number of people who are overweight these days?
10. When is it okay for people to eat meat? Give your reasons.
11. Should children get a free lunch at school, or would that be just an excuse to let them have unhealthy options? What can be done about this issue?
12. Is it better for people to eat at home or in restaurants? Why or why not?
13. Is it okay for people to be on diets? Give reasons.
14. Should vegetarianism be encouraged or made mandatory by law? Why or why not?
15. How can we encourage people to eat better and help reduce obesity in our country?
16. Is it okay for restaurants to sell unhealthy food? Give your reasons.
17. What should the government do about improving school lunches and making them healthier?
18. Should people be allowed to advertise junk foods during television shows or on billboards near schools?
19. What can teachers do in their classrooms to encourage students to make wise nutritional choices?
20. What should fast food companies do to make sure their restaurants serve healthier food and more of it?
Interesting Debate Topics for Kids About Family

Family is vital to all children. The following are some great debate topics for kids about family:
1. Should parents and children go on a vacation together? Give your reasons why or why not.
2. Are blended families better than traditional families? Why or why not?
3. What should parents do to make sure their children get enough attention from them? Give your reasons.
4. Is it okay for parents to tell their children what to do, or should they be more open-minded?
5. Should mothers stay at home or go out into the workforce? Give your reasons why you believe one way or the other.
6. Should people adopt pets instead of having babies? What about adopting both a baby and a pet? Give reasons.
7. Is it beneficial for brothers and sisters to fight a lot, or is it better for them to get along with each other? Give your reasons.
8. What can parents do to stop their children from becoming overweight or obese?
9. Should grandparents be seen as important members of the family like parents or not? Give reasons why or why not.
10. Are single-parent families better than two-parent families? Why or why not?
11. What can parents do to make sure their children have a good image of themselves and don’t become depressed, lonely, or frustrated?
12. Why should the government give free baby supplies such as furniture, clothes, and strollers to low-income families?
13. What should grandparents do for their grandchildren? Give reasons why or why not.
14. Do parents need to be strict with children, or can they relax a little more these days? What are your reasons for thinking one way or the other?
15. Can friends and family help with homework, or should children be responsible for their studies? Give reasons.
You may also check our list of special occasion debate topics!
Good Debate topics about Media and Entertainment for Kids

Kids are exposed to a lot of things these days through media. The following are some great debate topics for kids about the media:
1. Do violent video games make people more aggressive, or do they help people relax after a long day? Give your reasons.
2. Should parents monitor what their children watch on TV and when they play video games? Why or why not?
3. Do violent video games promote violence among kids? How can this problem be solved?
4. Are violent movies okay for kids to watch? Give your reasons.
5. What are some positive and negative effects of the Internet on children’s lives?
6. Are reality TV shows like American Idol good or bad for kids? Give reasons.
7. Should people spend a lot of time playing video games – and should parents ban them altogether?
8. Should there be more or fewer shows on television for kids? Give reasons why you think one way or another.
9. Is it a good thing that children can watch movies anytime they want without parental permission? What are the consequences of this?
10. Is social media like Facebook and Twitter a good thing for kids? Why or why not?
11. Should people have to pay extra on their telephone bills to keep in touch with someone else who has unlimited calling, texting, etc.? Give your reasons.
Interesting Debate Topics about Sports and Recreation for Kids

Sports are an excellent way for kids to have fun and for parents to bond with their kids. The following are some interesting debate topics for kids about sports.
1. Are professional athletes paid too little or too much? Give reasons why you think one way or the other.
2. Do kids go out and play anymore, or do they sit around all day on their phones? What’s the difference between then and now? Do you think it’s a good or bad change?
3. How important is sports in kids’ lives today? What are some positive effects on young people who play sports? Give reasons why you believe one way or the other.
4. Should the government pay for kids to play sports in school? Give reasons.
5. Do parents make too many decisions about their children’s sporting activities or not enough? What is the right amount of parental involvement? Explain.
6. Should football be made safer for players to make it more accessible to kids, or do we benefit from this violence in sports? What are your reasons?
7. Are professional athletes like LeBron James good role models for kids? How can more positive role models be developed by and for young people?
10. Should parents or the government pay for kids to participate in recreational activities? Give reasons why one way or the other.
11. Should school sports be more like professional sports – with big salaries and media attention on the stars
12. Are all sports such as football and basketball okay for kids to play even if it’s risky? How can these risks be eliminated?
13. Are modern sports like golf ruining local courses because of huge fees, etc.? What should be done to make golf more accessible to others?
14. How much time should kids spend playing sports or doing other physical activities for their health?
15. Which is better – organized school sports or informal athletic activities outside of school among peers?
Interesting Debate Topics for Kids About Religion

Religion is a very important part of many people’s lives, and kids are no exception. Here are some interesting debate topics for kids about religion:
1. Should all religions be treated equally by the government? Why or why not? Are they treated equally now? What can be done to change it if so?
2. Is Islam a violent religion?
3. Is Christianity a dying religion in America today? What would you do to make it stronger?
4. Is religion important or not for kids growing up today? Explain your reasons one way or the other.
5. Should kids go to church, mosque, temple, or synagogue, and why?
6. Should the government tell kids there is no God when they are young or not interfere with this decision at all? Give reasons why you believe one way or the other.
7. Does religion have a place in schools today? What is its role in the school, and what should be done about it?
8. Is religious freedom important today? How has it changed over the years, and what can be done to restore freedom of religion?
9. Should kids pray in school anytime or only have a few days per year when they do so? What are your reasons for believing one way or another?
10. Should the government support any particular religion, such as Christianity, Islam, etc.? If so, which one and why?
11. Should kids wear religious clothing or symbols in schools such as hijabs or crosses? What would be the benefits or drawbacks of this?
12. Should kids be allowed to use religion as a reason to not participate in school activities
13. Is religion good for society? Give examples and your reasons why one way or the other.
14. Should kids be informed of their religious rights in society? What should be done to make this happen?
15. Is religion a good thing for the community? How so or not? Give examples and your reasons why you believe one way or another.
16. Should there be a separation of church and state? Give some examples to illustrate your reasons why one way or the other.
17. Should kids be allowed to live by their religious values if they don’t live with those of the school? How can this be made possible?
Religion may be controversial at times, but still difficult to debate since it may bring divisions, which is why we thought it would be great to come up with a list of purely controversial topics!
Debate Topics for Middle School Students
Kids in middle school think about a lot of things – friends, dating, school, career, and more. The following are some great debate topics for kids in middle school:
1. Should social promotion be allowed in schools? What are the positive and negatives effects of this practice?
2. Is homework good for students, or is it bad because they spend so much time doing it? Give reasons why you think one way or the other.
3. Does having a friend of the opposite gender in middle school help kids be more mature, or is it just a distraction? Defend your opinion.
4. At what age can teenagers babysit infants and toddlers? What are some benefits and drawbacks of this practice?
5. Do parents have a problem with their teenagers wearing clothes that are in style? If so, why do they have this concern?
6. Should all homework be done online instead of by hand because kids would like it better and finish faster? What are the drawbacks to doing this? Give reasons why you believe one way or the other.
7. Is it okay for young couples to have their photos taken together in public by themselves if the girl is wearing a tight shirt or skirt? What are some reasons why this might be bad, and what can they do instead of being a distraction?
8. Should school have a dress code that students must follow, whether male or female, because this helps to prevent distractions? Give reasons why you believe one way or the other.
9. Should high school students be allowed to bring guns to school if they have a license for them? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of this practice?
10. Is it okay for kids today to post photos on their Instagram and Facebook accounts that reveal too much about their private lives? What are the drawbacks to doing this?
11. Should school be like businesses by having uniforms for students who attend them? Give reasons why they should or shouldn’t wear school uniforms.
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Debate Topics for High School Students
High school is a time of serious thinking as kids decide what college majors they want to pursue and what jobs they want for career paths. Here are some great ideas for debate topics for high school students:
1. Are parents too overprotective of their children when it comes to texting or talking on their cell phones with people they don’t know well? Defend your opinion.
2. Should parents ban their kids from playing video games in the home because they think it’s a waste of time?
3. Are high school students too distracted in class because cell phones are allowed but texting is not? What can be done to solve this problem?
4. Should parents allow their children to leave the house at night alone when they are young or in high school?
5. How much money is too much for kids and teens to be spending on clothes, cell phone bills, electronic devices, and music downloads?
6. Does family time have any value left for families busy with careers, school, and other daily activities? Why or why not? Give reasons for your argument.
7. Should teens be allowed to date someone much older than they are or who doesn’t attend the same school?
8. Do parents have a right to know what websites their kids visit on the computer that might be inappropriate or even illegal?
9. Should teachers allow cell phones in class for texting and emailing but not calling because it causes too many interruptions?
10. Should schools have dress codes that students must follow, whether male or female, because this helps to prevent distractions? Give reasons why you believe one way or the other.
We also have an exclusive list of high school debate topics!
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