Top 150 Cause and Effect Essay Topics
A cause is an event that leads to the occurrence of something, while effects can be outcomes or consequences. There are various kinds of causes and effects, which could vary depending on the situation. The following is a list of cause-and-effect essay topics that are general enough to be of interest to a variety of audiences.
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Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle School Students
· What can be done to help students that have been bullied?
· Should sex education classes be mandatory for all teenagers?
· How can student-athletes be made to respect their teachers?
· Is more emphasis placed on grades than education today?
· Should cigarette smoking be banned in public places?
· What can parents do to make their teenagers more self-disciplined?
· Does technology have the potential of replacing teachers in schools?
· Is mandatory school attendance a good idea?
· Should student-athletes have to pass regular classes to play for their schools?
· What is the best way to improve schools?
· Is it possible to make friends in life without deceiving others?
· Can maintaining eye contact help a person’s confidence level?
· Should teens be allowed to use cell phones while driving?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics for High School Students
· What are the consequences of a child growing up without a father figure?
· Can schools be made to be more drug-free zones?
· How can parents set good examples for their teenage children?
· Can teachers make students respect them better?
· Should television stations limit programs that show violence and intolerance towards other groups?
· How can parents encourage their children to be more self-reliant?
· What should be done with students that are caught cheating in school?
· Should schools have more daycare facilities for the students?
· What can be done to minimize teenage drug and alcohol use?
· Are there any quick fixes for teenagers with behavioral issues at school?
If you’re in high school, you may also want to check high school debate topics
Cause and effect essay topics for college students
· What can be done to improve the teaching methods in schools?
· How can a student get better grades while having fun at the same time?
· What positive aspects come from studying abroad?
· Is it possible for children to have good parental role models as teenagers?
· Are school buses safe enough for transporting students?
· Are students allowed to spend too much time on the computer?
· How can technology be used in schools for easier learning?
· Is it possible to study effectively when a student is distracted by noise?
· What are the advantages of enrolling in an online college?
· Are standardized tests a fair method for evaluating students’ progress in school?
· Is it possible to have a well-behaved class without establishing rules on the first day of school?
· Is it effective to put students in detention for bad behavior in schools?
· How can bad influences be prevented in schools?
· Should teachers allow students to defend themselves from bullies?
· Is it possible to get a quality education without sacrificing time spent on recreational activities?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics for College Graduates
· Do most employers look at a person’s grades when hiring new employees?
· What are the effects of not completing one’s education after high school?
· Are students required to take physical education classes in college?
· Why should adults consider continuing their education after high school?
· What are the disadvantages of online universities?
· Should college students be allowed to watch television while studying?
· Does a person’s success in life depend on the quality of their education? Cause and effect essay topics for adults
Fun Cause and Effect Essay Topics

· What is the major advantage of eating at home?
· How can a person deal with a nagging elderly relative?
· What are the basic causes of global warming?
· What are three different choices I can make to improve my life?
· What are three different ways I can save money for next semester?
· How do children react when they get a new pet?
· Why is it important to make sure your pets have enough food and water?
· What are the three biggest reasons people cheat on their partners?
· Why is it good to use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones?
· Why should you quit smoking now?
· What are some things that could have been done to make your high school experience better?
We also have more fun-related topics, such as entertaining speech topics as well as funny debate topics!
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Related to Health & Mental Health
· What are some tips for eating healthy foods?
· How can you improve your memory and recall?
. What causes depression in someone you care about?
· Why is it important to care for the mentally ill?
· What causes arthritis, and how do athletes deal with it?
· Why is it important to keep a clean desk and home?
· What causes body odor, and how can a person get rid of it?
· How do athletes deal with stress?
· What are the different types of therapy people use to improve their mental health?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Related to Business & Workplace
· What are the advantages of doing business over the internet?
· How do you keep your workspace organized and clean?
· What causes unemployment, and how can it be prevented?
· What type of work environment should be created by a business owner?
· Why is it important to keep up with the latest trends in the workplace?
· What are some things people can do to make their working lives easier?
· Why should you buy your products and goods from businesses that support recycling programs?
· Why should taxes be given to the government instead of being given freely?
· What are some ways a person can be creative while working?
· Why should you choose a job that fits your personality and values?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Related to Innovation & Technology
· Do you know how the internet benefits the world?
· Why do people spend so much time on their mobile devices?
· What are three reasons why it helps if students follow school rules?
· What causes inconvenience, and how can it be prevented?
· Why is it good to engage in physical activity as often as possible?
· How are shoes made differently now compared to the past?
· What are three ways a person can improve their mental health through technology?
· What causes a person to spend too much time on their phone?
· How can you make your home safer for you and other people?
· What are the three biggest advantages of using online banking?
Video games are also a potential technology topic, and thus, you may check the pros and cons of banning video games
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Related to Family, Education, & School
· Why should someone care about healthy eating habits?
· What causes a person to get in trouble at school?
· Why is it important for children to have free time after they come home from class?
· What are three different ways you can help others become the best versions of themselves?
· Why do people choose to homeschool their kids, and what are the benefits?
· Why is it good to take classes on writing properly?
· How can you help a child who has trouble sleeping at night?
· What causes bullying, and what can parents do about it?
· How are school policies different from when you were a student?
We also recommend that you check debate topics for kids
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Related to Space, Weather, & the Environment
· How can you reuse and recycle to save money and help the environment?
· What causes a natural disaster?
· How do you make your home more environmentally friendly?
· What are three things people can do to prevent waste in their homes?
· Why is it important for people to take care of animals in the wild?
· What can countries around the world do to save endangered animals?
· Has technology helped or hurt humanity?
· How should we use new technologies in a positive way for our environmental future?
· Why is it important to recycle and reuse as much as possible these days?
· What are some incentives people could use to make them want to recycle and reduce waste?
· What are some ways you can do your part in being more environmentally friendly?
· How much impact has science had on our way of life and the environment?
· How should scientists use their discoveries for the greater good of humanity but not destroy nature?
· Do we owe it to future generations to preserve and protect our natural world? Why or why not?
· Are you ready to take a stand on the environment?
· What are some negative impacts of global warming?
· Why is conserving energy so important today and in the future?
· What are the effects of pollution on the environment and human beings?
· How do you promote awareness about climate change?
· What can people do to preserve our planet’s ecosystem for future generations?
· Why is recycling important in today’s society, especially when it comes to landfills?
· What are some things that humans could use less of to conserve energy?
· What are some ways people can lessen their footprints on this planet?
· If you could change one thing about global warming, what would it be and why?
· Why are there so many wildfires nowadays?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Animals and Pets
· How can people help animals in the wild?
· What can people do to make sure they don’t harm animals while hiking and exploring nature?
· Why should you adopt an animal from a shelter over buying one from a breeder or pet store?
· What are some ways you can show your love to your pet?
· What are some things that can help you build a strong relationship with your pet?
· How does being around animals improve health and well-being?
· What are the health benefits of owning a pet?
· Why should people adopt animals from shelters over buying them from a breeder or pet store?
· Should animals be used in the laboratories as test subjects?
· What should be done to stop the illegal pet trade?
· Why is it important for animal shelters to reduce the population of pets they take in?
· Why do you think people like watching animals on YouTube and other social media channels?
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Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Social Media
· Why do people love to take selfies?
· How has social media made it easier for people to connect, both in positive and negative ways?
· How can you protect yourself from online predators without giving up all of your rights on the internet?
· What are the best and worst things about Facebook and other social media sites?
· Why do you think some people are addicted to Facebook and other social media platforms?
· What types of posts have helped your page get more likes or followers on social media?
· Should parents be concerned about their children’s use of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.?
· What are some tips for staying safe on social media?
· What are some good websites or apps that teens should use if they are interested in starting their own YouTube channel?
· Why have companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter created programs to help people learn how to be safe on the internet?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Sports
· What are some things that parents can do to get their children active and involved in sports?
· How do athletes use social media for the greater good instead of promoting themselves or their sponsors?
· Why should schools offer more athletic programs than they currently have?
· How have athletes used social media and technology to spread their message and make a difference?
· How have social media sites like Twitter made it easier for athletes to reach out to the public?
· Why do you think people love playing fantasy sports so much?
· Does watching professional athletes on television or online encourage kids to play sports more often?
· What do you think about the use of technology in sports?
· What are some things athletes can do to motivate and encourage kids to be active?
· Why is physical activity important for everyone of all ages?
General Cause and Effect Essay Topics
· What can people do to make the world a better place in their community or state?
· How can teachers teach their students to be more active in school and at home?
· What are some things that can help parents keep their children active and healthy?
· What are some ways to get kids off of electronics and make them more active in school and at home?
· How can schools encourage kids to be more physically active after school instead of playing video games or watching television shows?
· How did gaming systems like Xbox and PlayStation change how kids interact and play with friends?
· How have social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram made it easier for people to be more active in their communities and causes?
· Why do you think companies sponsor or make donations to schools and other programs instead of selling products?
You may also want to check how to write argumentative essays
Cause and Effect Essay Outline and Format
Essays do have outlines and formats that best suit their purpose. The outline and format are dependent on the kind of essay you’re writing.
The outline and format for a cause-and-effect essay should be adhered to strictly. It ensures that your writing will flow well, making it easier for the reader to follow what you’re trying to say without becoming distracted by unnecessary information, which leads them away from your topic.
Structure of a Cause and Effect Essay

As mentioned, the structure of your cause-and-effect essay should be strictly adhered to for your writing to flow smoothly. The way you lay out an essay is very important. When using the five-paragraph format, it would look something like this:
This is where you will tell your reader what the topic of your paper will be about. It’s also where you’ll hook in your audience to keep them from turning away or losing interest by giving a little background information on the topic and defining words that will be used.
The introduction also includes your thesis statement. That’s the sentence that states your main idea and what you’ve decided to write about. You should be able to state it in one sentence but not tell everything about it. You want to leave a little something for your readers to find out through reading the rest of your essay.
Body: The body of your cause and effect essay
Body: This is section covers the meat of your paper, where you present the “cause” and then tell how this cause directly affects the audience or reader. It’s also where you present “effect” as a result of the causes.
This is pretty much a summary of your paper and also your closing paragraph. You’ll want to wrap this up by hooking the reader one more time, by re-stating your thesis statement and telling them exactly what they’ve just read for you to successfully communicate with your audience and show that you have a real grasp on the subject at hand.
The format of your cause and effect essay

Cause and effect essays are written in a particular manner. This helps the reader understand exactly what you’re trying to say, allowing them to be more receptive to your ideas and opinions. The following is a typical format for an effective cause and effect essay that will help make your writing easier.
If possible, have someone read the essay to see if it makes sense. If you find yourself having to backtrack or explaining parts of your essay, that’s a good sign that you didn’t present your ideas correctly in the beginning and needed to start over.
Introduction: The introduction of your cause and effect essay should be used to hook your readers and give them a little background information on the topic.
Causes: In your cause and effect essay, you must tell about the reasons behind something. This is where you explain what happened to bring about a result or consequence, thus taking away any ambiguity from your body paragraph.
The causes should be listed in chronological order, with the most recent one first, then moving backward when telling about an event that led up to it. It’s also a good idea to go in reverse order, the opposite of what’s described above.
Effects: The purpose of your effect section is to show how an action or event impacts others and then list them out one by one. It should be written as if you were telling someone about it in a conversation.
Conclusion: In your conclusion, you are going to want to wrap up what was said before and then re-state the thesis statement so that your reader knows exactly what you’re trying to tell them about.
How to Choose a Great cause and Effect Essay Topic

The most important thing to remember when choosing a topic for your cause-and-effect essay is that it has to be relevant. You don’t want to waste your time writing about something that no one cares about, or they’re not interested in. That’s why you should always choose an interesting subject that people have questions about, even if they think the answer is obvious. This will make your job as a writer much easier, and you’ll be able to spend more time presenting it in the most interesting way possible.
Here are a few guidelines to help you choose the right topic for your cause-and-effect essay.
1. Keep it relevant: You don’t want to write about something that not many people care about, therefore making them disinterested in what you’re trying to say. Choose a topic or subject that impacts most people’s lives on a daily basis so they can relate to what you’re saying in your essay.
2. Research: Always do some research and try to avoid a topic that’s already been beaten to death by thousands of other cause-and-effect essays. You’ll want a fresh perspective on the subject, making it easier for you to come up with new ideas and opinions about it.
3. Know your subject: Make sure you have a good understanding of the topic or subject that you’re writing about. You don’t want to sound like a fool when trying to explain how one thing relates to another and being unable to go into detail because you really don’t know much on the subject.
4. Avoid bias: Don’t want to sound like you’re trying to convince your audience of something untrue. Ensure there’s some objectivity in what you write about and don’t have an obvious opinion on the matter, otherwise, it will come off as propaganda and not a serious cause and effect essay.
5. Narrow down your topic: Choose a specific subject that can be easily narrowed down to one aspect of it. This avoids giving your audience a general overview of something and confusing them. You also don’t want to narrow down too much because you will lack enough content to fill out your essay with.
6. Focus on specific details: Avoid generalizations and concepts that will lead to confusion or be vague. You want to stick with something detailed rather than going into broad terms that make it hard for people to relate to what you’re saying in your essay.
7. The best cause and effect essay topics are those that have polarized opinions. Choose a subject that people have different opinions on and see both sides of it. This will ensure that you’re not stuck in your opinion but can still present what both sides think about the situation.
For the best cause and effect essay topics, look for ones that have polarized opinions. These are perfect because you’re able to present both sides of an argument without being stuck in your own opinion about it, which often leads to bias. You should also be as specific as possible when choosing a topic so people can relate more easily to what you’re trying to say but avoid generalizing too much or focusing on broad terms.
Finally, do some research before picking out a subject matter and make sure it’s relevant enough for other people who may not care about the same thing or understand why we want them to read our cause-and-effect essay.
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