How to Write a Good Conclusion (With Examples)

How to Write a Good Conclusion (With Examples)


Do you always wonder how you will best conclude your essay?

To some students, this is by far the most challenging part of the essay. They find it even more difficult than choosing a great essay topic, stating a thesis, or even writing a good essay outline.

But don’t worry, we will guide you.

When writing a good conclusion paragraph, you are supposed to summarize the critical points in your essay.

Keep in mind that the conclusion of your essay is not only your academic paper’s final paragraph. It is not only meant for restating your key arguments and thesis.

It provides you with an opportunity to have a final impact on your audience.

Properly writing your good conclusion paragraph will create a lasting impression and end with a positive note. With this guide, we will show you how to write the perfect essay conclusions.

Additionally, we will provide you with tricks and tips to guide all types of students to create a lasting impression on their readers.

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What is a Conclusion?

Before we can delve into how to write a good conclusion, let us first define what a conclusion is.

A conclusion is the end of something or its last part. In essay writing, the concluding statement is the position arrived at through logical thinking.

It is a suggestion, a judgment, or an opinion (arrived at using the provided arguments in the body text).

Therefore, if you want to understand what makes a good closing sentence – continue reading.

What is a Good Conclusion?

It is not easy to draft a good conclusion. However, we are here to walk you through writing a good conclusion step-by-step.

There are no strict rules in formulating one, but there are basic principles for you to keep in mind.

In this section, we will give you critical ideas you’ll need to write a good conclusion. We will also give you some more practical essay conclusion examples and advice later in this article.

Here are the goals to keep in mind for a conclusion to be complete:

  • Leave a final impact that is powerful to the reader;
  • Leave the reader thinking about something;
  • Give the topic a sense of closure and completeness;
  • Demonstrate proving of the thesis statement by the author;
  • Wind up the entire academic paper.

Also, keep in mind that you are not supposed to introduce new arguments or ideas in the conclusion.

You only need to sum up your already written argument, revisit the thesis statement, and finalize with an impactful last impression.

Keep in mind the following when writing a conclusion:

  • Include a call to action. Leave room for the essay’s further development or study (if it is necessary);
  • The essay conclusions need to demonstrate the relevance of your work as well as its significance;
  • Give a summary of the essay’s main ideas in the paper;
  • The concluding sentence does not restate the thesis statement but revisits it.

How long is a Conclusion Paragraph?

There are no universal rules on the length of a conclusion paragraph.

That said, both experienced writers and teachers recommend keeping the conclusion straight to the point, clear, and concise.

The unspoken rule relating to an introduction and a good conclusion paragraph in essay writing is that the two should be 10% of the total paper volume.

For instance, if you write a 2000-word essay, the introductory part and conclusion should be 200 words long (400 combined).

Why it is Critical How You End the Essay?

The conclusion paragraph is what will drive your essay to the perfect end. It will also emphasize the main points in your essay one final time.

The conclusion paragraph is your last chance to impact and impress the audience. Most importantly, this is the chance to show your audience why your essay matters.

The final paragraph of your academic paper answers the final question the reader has in mind – “So What?”

If the concluding paragraph appeals, it will give the audience a logical completeness sense. On the other hand, if the conclusion does not cause enough impact, it will leave the audience hanging and reduce the paper’s effect.

Crafting a Proper Conclusion: The 3 Strategies

You can use several strategies in crafting your conclusion, even though there are no strict rules on the style to follow.

In this list, we have come up with some strategies for writing an effective conclusion. We have also given essay conclusion examples to assist you in grasping the whole essay conclusion idea:

1.     Prediction

When emphasizing the significance your essay creates, take a look into the future and give your audience thoughts to ponder.

The method of “When and If” creates an impact when you use it in supporting the points in the conclusion of your essay.

An essay conclusion example in a prediction essay:

2.     Echo

In this strategy, link the introductory paragraph to the conclusion. The strategy will emphasize the main points, create a complete circle narration for the readers, and develop a better understanding of the essay’s topic.

An echo conclusion illustration:

3.     Step-Up

Finally, when aiming to create a flawless conclusion, you need to amplify your key ideas. Ideally, you can also present the larger context of the conclusion from a different perspective.

The set-up technique allows your readers to use a different angle to view the discussed problem.

Below is a Set-Up conclusion illustration:


In an essay, what does the clincher illustrate? – The clincher sentence in an essay refers to the last section of the essay’s conclusion.

The last sentence will leave the audience intrigued with a thought to ponder on or reinforce the essay’s main idea.

In a nutshell, there is a similarity between the clincher and the hook used in the introductory paragraph.

The clincher gets the attention of the audience to the end of the paper. Also, it leaves the reader with a lasting impression and creates a sense of completeness.

Now you may be wondering how to use a clincher in your essay now that you know what it is.

First of all, you need to understand that for a clincher to be excellent; it needs to be memorable, straightforward, smooth, and intriguing.

You can use a clincher statement in the following ways:

  • A joke ( it may not always seem appropriate, so be careful with this one);
  • A warning for a suggestion or possibility against some consequences of a problem already discussed;
  • A proactive example or an illustrative story;
  • A rhetorical question;
  • A call to action;
  • A memorable or relevant quote when it brings actual value;
  • A striking but short conclusion that is attention-grabbing.

Regardless of your technique of choice, the clincher should align with the thesis and introduction and be memorable.

Clincher examples:

Strategies to Use in Crafting a Great Conclusion

1.     Briefly hit the main point of your essay

To do this, take a look at your outline. When you visualize your essay structure, it will help you carefully select the critical points suitable for your conclusion.

2.     Describe how crucial the essay topic is in real-life situations

Essays can be exhausting and complex when reading. By finishing off with a relatable and straightforward note, you will let off some steam.

3.     Link back themes to the first paragraph of the essay

When you end the essay where you started, this will bring forth a feeling of closure.

4.     Instead of summarizing, synthesize

Tie together all the information that seems to be random in the body paragraph by using the conclusion.

5.     Use a plot twist

You can use your conclusion to catch your audience by surprise by giving your paper a new meaning through a plot twist.

6.     Challenge your reader

Empower your reader instead of exhausting them. Make the reader feel that through your essay, they can make a difference.

7.     Envision the future

Will your essay topic be relevant 20 years from now? Will the planet be any different if they ignored you? Look into the unfavourable and favorable scenarios of the future.

8.     Pose a query, then leave your readers hanging

Give your audience something to think about if you intend to have your essay stick in their minds.

9.     “So What?”

For purposes of brainstorming, you can reread your essay and pose yourself this question.

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The Don’ts in Writing a Conclusion

You now have a better understanding of what to do in creating a good conclusion. However, this is what you should not do:

  • Do not start your conclusion with sentence starters for essay conclusions seen as cliché. Phrases such as “In summary,” “In conclusion,” or “Therefore.” These statements are overused, so we would recommend that you avoid using them.
  • Present your thesis statement in the conclusion first and not mention it for the first time in the introduction.
  • Give new ideas, arguments, and subtopics in the concluding paragraph.
  • Including a thesis statement in the conclusion which is slightly unchanged or changed.
  • Providing evidence and arguments which belong to the body of the essay.
  • Writing confusing, too long, hard-to-read sentences.
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Conclusion Paragraph Outline

Depending on the number of points discussed in your academic paper, the number of sentences will vary. They also vary depending on the essay’s total word count.

That said, the conclusion paragraph outline consists of the following:

1.     The starter of the conclusion

Drive the readers back to the thesis statement with the first part of your concluding paragraph. Rephrasing the thesis statement is the best way to start your conclusion, just if you are wondering how to go about it.

2.     The Concluding Sentence

Finally, with a lasting impression, end the paragraph with a sentence that provides logical completeness.  It should lead the reader back to the essay’s introduction.

The three elements we have looked at will help you in crafting the perfect conclusion for your essay.

To get a clearer picture of what a perfect conclusion should look like, we will show you a sample below. The topic example is “Every Child Should Own a Pet:”

The example above shows you how to shape the concluding paragraph.

Concluding Different Types of Essays

The concluding paragraph’s length, style, and tone may vary depending on the type of paper you are writing.

In this section of the guide, we will illustrate how to conclude the different essay types and other works:

1.     Persuasive/Argumentative Essay

The single goal in argumentative essays is to convince the audience about something (viewpoint, idea, or stance). It appeals to logic, the reader’s emotions, facts, and arguments.

In this case, the concluding paragraph is persuasive. Encourage your readers to take action by illustrating using a real-life situation.

Below are top tips that create a great conclusion in a persuasive/augmentative essay:

  • Re-highlight your ideas;
  • Highlight the broader implications;
  • Ensure there are emotional appeals to the readers;
  • Before you begin, carefully read the entire essay.

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2.     Compare & Contrast Essay

The compare & contrast essay emphasizes the similarities or differences between phenomena, objects, people, etc. Thus, your conclusion shows how the objects you are reviewing are similar or different.

You should mention all the distinctive and critical common features you discussed in the body paragraphs in this conclusion.

Once the audience finishes reading, leave them with some food for thought.

An Essay Conclusion Example of a compare & contrast essay:

3.     Descriptive Essay

In a descriptive essay, with the help of words, paints a vivid picture using your writing skills to show your creativity. This essay requires you not to tell a story but to show it.

It implies the use of lots of vivid details.

Respectively, in the conclusion of this paper, make use of descriptive imagery as you sum up your ideas.

The best strategy in concluding this essay is to give a short explanation as to why you came up with the essay.

Then, show your reflection on the topic and its effects on you. Smoothly lead your audience to a logical closing statement by covering the most critical moments of the story in the middle of the conclusion.

Leave a lasting and good impression on the audience by having a thought-provoking final sentence as the clincher.

Don’t leave your audience with the dwindling memories of your essay after you’ve led them into it.

4.     An Essay About Yourself

Tell a personal story when you have to write an essay about yourself. The conclusion should create a narrative closure feeling since such an essay will discuss the author’s personal experiences.

Link the conclusion to the introductory paragraph by recalling the story’s pivotal moments. From the lessons you have learned, with a logical finale, end your story.

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5.     Informative Essay

Expository or informative essays, unlike other types of essays, load your audience with lots of facts and information.

In the same scenario, “synthesize, don’t summarize” is your best technique in ending the essay.

Highlight the significance of the information provided by approaching the conclusion from a “So what?” position.

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6.     Narrative Essay

The narrative essay, in a nutshell, has its basis in simple storytelling. Since the paper focuses on sharing a particular story in detail, the conclusion should not finish the story abruptly.

Instead, it should nicely wrap up the story. Include the lessons learned from the story and the key takeaways.

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7.     Lab Report

The basis of a lab report is an experiment. The paper will show the flow of an experiment done by a student. Thus, the outcomes of the experiment reflect in the conclusion.

Do the following with the conclusion of a lab report:

  • In the conclusion, state whether the experiment succeeded and whether you achieved the expected results
  • Analyze the final data from the results of the experiment
  • Indicate the methods you made use of
  • Restate the experiment’s goals

8.     Research Paper

The most challenging task of all would have to be crafting the conclusion of a research paper. A research paper, unlike a lab report or essay, requires you to investigate deeper into the problem; thus is a longer paper.

However, after an essay, this is the second most popular paper, it is crucial that you properly conclude it.

Follow the steps below in writing the conclusion of a research paper:

  1. Restate your topic – Give a reminder of what your topic is about. It should only be one sentence long.
  2. Revisit your thesis – Ensure to remind your audience about the thesis statement. Deliver the same idea of your thesis statement using different words. Keep it topic-oriented, narrow and specific.
  3. Make a summary of the key ideas – Make a summary of your key points as elaborated in the body paragraphs.
  4. Show the importance of your work – State the solutions provided by your paper and the significance of the research problem in the conclusion.
  5. Define the contributions of your study to the future – Show in your conclusion how your findings contribute to future studies. Outline any prospective for further research on the topic. Then, conclude the paper with a hook, a rhetorical question, or a call to action.
  6. Respond to the correct queries – Create an impeccable conclusion for your research paper by answering the following questions:
  7. Why is the study relevant and important?
  8. Is the research paper of help to the community? Can they implement it in real-life situations?
  9. What possible solutions are there for the research paper?
  10. What do you aim to achieve with the research paper?
  11. So what?

Additionally, you can follow these tips:

  • The conclusion needs to be original, creative, and fresh.
  • Help your readers understand better how to implement the solutions you have stated by giving essay conclusion examples in real life to see the broader implications of the essay.

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What is a Good Conclusion?*

An essay conclusion example of a strong conclusion:

The key points that show the effectiveness of this conclusion are:

  • The opening statement is bold, and it shows the two contrasts in the student types that exist today.
  • Two different sentences show the main arguments and the thesis statements in the essay’s body.
  • The final sentence leaves the audience with something to ponder on by summing up the essay’s key message.

The following points show why the conclusion is weak:

  • There’s no indication of a summary of the key points.
  • The first paragraph is non-specific and too long. The phrases provided by the author are generalized with no backing of actual arguments.
  • There are repetitions and overuse of the term “college.” The sentences also have a confusing structure.
  • There is a contradiction of the initial statement with the last two sentences highlighting the value of education.
  • Finally, there are no thoughts to ponder on, and the last sentence does not offer a strong conclusion.

Pro Tips:

  • Do not present new ideas or arguments in the conclusion because hopefully, in the body paragraphs, you have already shared enough information.
  • Have a straightforward and clear message for the most powerful impact on the readers.
  • Avoid using more than one quote in the paper’s final section because it belongs to the body paragraph.
  • When writing the conclusion, be authoritative. Be convincing and sound confident to leave a good impression.

Final Word

To drive the main points, your essay will require a conclusion. Having a clear structure and strategies for writing a good conclusion adds value to your essay.

Consider the essay type and the readers when you want to conclude the essay like the boss you are.

Answer a “So what?” question, and to the best of your abilities, summarize your statements because it’s your last chance to impress the readers.

So, now you know what it takes to craft a killer conclusion. Are you ready to conclude your paper like a boss?

If you’re still unsure how to go about it, our experienced tutors are here to help; all you need to do is click the green button below and follow the simple steps!

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