50 Theme Statement Examples
Thematic statements are common in literary work. Writers use them to express their attitude towards the theme of their work or their intention in writing the particular literary piece.
Authors employ thematic statements to address readers and establish themselves as experts on the subject matter. They do this by sharing their knowledge, revealing their opinions concerning the theme.
What is a Theme Statement?
A theme statement is a sentence that reveals the general idea of the content as it is written and presented on paper. A good thematic statement is often an idea that can be condensed into one sentence or a generalization based on the entire content.
Why are Theme Statements Important?
- A theme statement helps readers focus on the main idea. Readers can then get an insight into what they are about to read, avoid being distracted by side issues, and stay on track.
- Thematic statements can be used by anyone who wants to make a point about what they are expressing. Teachers, business professionals, or students can use them to describe a project they have been assigned to do.
- A writer’s thematic statement is a reflection of their attitude towards the topic. It’s used to show what perspective they are using in writing about it.
- A good theme statement can be used to remind a writer of the project they have to do. It also acts as a guide that can help readers stay on track with what they are reading.
50 Thematic Statement Examples
The following are ten categories of theme statements with five examples for each category:
Theme statements about death
1. “Death is a gruesome end that takes people without notice, leaving behind those who are left to come to terms with the loss.” 2. “Death is the unknown that comes to all, changes things forever, and leaves people to deal with their sorrow.” 3. “Death is a constant in life; people can come to terms with it by living rather than fearing the unknown.” 4. “Death is part of the circle of life; it should be embraced rather than feared.” 5. “No need to fear death; life is what matters, and people are living it while they are still here.” |
Theme statements about love
1. “There is only one love in life and it must be cherished.” 2. “Love is a powerful force that should not be taken for granted.” 3. “Love comes in all shapes and forms; it should be embraced rather than denied.” 4. “Successful relationships can be built on love, loyalty, and trust.” 5. “True love is the only thing that matters in life and it starts with loving oneself.” |
Theme statements about change
1. “Change is constant and inevitable; people should embrace it rather than fear it.” 2. “Adapting to change is the most powerful thing anyone can do.” 3. “Change is something that should be embraced; it creates new opportunities and enhances growth.” 4. “Life can never stay the same, it must be embraced, not feared.” 5. “Resisting change leads to stagnation; embracing it leads to growth.” |
Theme statements about life
1. “Life is what truly matters, not what people leave behind but how they have lived.” 2. “Life is transient, so every day should be cherished and made the best out of.” 3. “The brevity of life is what makes it special; no need to fear death.” 4. “Life is fleeting and people should be living it while they still have the chance.” 5. “Life is what people make it, regardless of its challenges.” |
Theme statements about nature
1. “Nature is something that should be admired and respected, not controlled.” 2. “Nature is the only thing keeping us alive; it should be embraced in everything we do.” 3. “Nature provides an escape from the real world where people can find themselves.” 4. “The beauty of life is wrapped in the diversity of nature.” 5. “There’s nothing more beautiful than nature in its untouched state.” |
Theme statements about friendships
1. “A true friend is someone who stands by you in adversity.” 2. “Friends can come and go, but family will always be there for you.” 3. “The quality of a friendship is measured in time and effort put into it.” 4. “A true friend is someone who accepts you for who you are.” 5. “Genuine friendships are hard to find; it’s worth the wait.” |
Theme statements about faith
1 “Faith is what brings people together and keeps them strong.” 2. “People need to believe in something and follow a path.” 3. “Faith is what gives people hope and purpose.” 4. “Believing in something greater than oneself provides a sense of comfort and security.” 5. “The power of faith will inspire people to keep going no matter how difficult things are.” |
Theme statements about character
1. “A person’s reputation is what other people think of them.” 2. “Character is built by the choices people make daily.” 3. “The choices that people make define the kind of person they are.” 4. “People’s true character will always shine through, regardless of what they do. تطبيقات تجيب فلوس ” 5. “A person’s character is revealed when they do something brave and go against the grain.” |
Theme statements about parenting
1.”Parenting is the hardest job in the world, but it’s worth it.” 2. “Children are the most beautiful things in the world, they come with a lot of responsibility, but it’s worth it.” 3. “Parenting will test your patience and resolve and define you as a person.” 4. “The early years of a child’s life set the tone for what lies ahead.” 5. “Parenting is about emphasizing the positive and staying strong in the face of adversity.” |
Theme statements about failure
1. “You have not failed until you quit trying.” 2. “Failure is the best way to learn and grow stronger.” 3. “Failing is a part of life; it’s how you learn and become better.” 4. ” Your definition of failure is your choice.” 5. “Failure is not final; it’s another stepping stone to success.” |
Steps for Writing a Great Theme Statement
Remember that a theme statement is the essence of what you are trying to say about your subject. There are no rules or guidelines for writing one, but the steps below will get you there:
Consider several theme topics
Before deciding the most suited theme statement, you must have a list of options to choose from. Make sure you have a good understanding of the most important topics. Brainstorm as many ideas as possible
You’re not limited to a few sentences. Write as many as you can think of, then choose those that resonate with you most and discard those that don’t.
Analyze the options
Read through all your brainstormed ideas and think about which one fits in with your theme better than others. This step is to help you choose between your options, not eliminate them.
Do your research
Read through several sources on your chosen thematic sentence to get a better understanding. This will help you analyze the possible impact it will have on your audience.
Check out other theme statements
Going through and analyzing what other writers have will help you build your own. Try to see how they put it together and what makes their statement effective.
Decide on the best thematic statement for you
The right thematic statement is the one that best encapsulates what you want to say. You should feel confident about it and know that it will work well with your article.
Write your thematic statement
Once you’ve chosen your theme, it’s time to write your thematic sentence. Keep in mind that it should be both effective and efficient.
Tips for writing a good theme statement are:
- Stay away from cliches. Readers have heard them way too many times, and they don’t make an impact anymore. Stay original.
- Use active verbs to help your statement come alive. Words like ‘can’ and ‘will’ make a world of difference.
- Your theme should sound well thought out, not spontaneous or random. It should be relevant to the article and not seem like it’s added in for good measure.
- Make your thematic statement relate to what you are writing about.
- Vary your sentence structure and length.
- Make sure the first words of your thematic statement are powerful enough to grab attention.
- Don’t be long-winded. Nobody likes a drag; keep your sentence concise and to the point.
- Make sure that there is a logical connection between your theme statement and the article. Don’t contradict yourself.
Themes versus Theme Statements
Many people will use the terms themes and theme statements interchangeably, but they are two very different things. The following are differences between themes and theme statements:
- Themes are what you write about, while your thematic statement is a summation sentence of what you want to communicate.
- A theme can be a word, while a theme statement is a complete sentence. E.g., a love theme can just be written as “love” while the statement goes like, “Love is a powerful emotion; it cannot be quenched.”
- A theme can be anything, while a theme statement needs to have more structure. It’s basically the essence of your work.
- A theme can be interpreted in many different ways. A theme statement is a more specific and overarching message that leaves no room for doubts or second thoughts.
- A theme can be found in the body, while a thematic statement is used in the introduction.
- A theme can help you understand what you’re writing about, but a theme statement will help your reader better understand your topic.
- A theme can be anything that gives some kind of meaning to your work, while a theme statement projects what you’re writing about.
- The chosen theme can be an idea, while a thematic statement is worded to show the reader if they agree or not.
- A theme can be about any part of your work, while a thematic sentence condenses what needs to be communicated in the beginning paragraph.
- Remember that your theme is what you write about, but your thematic statement helps you communicate it.
Examples of themes versus theme statements
Theme | Theme statement |
Love | Love is the strongest emotion we can feel |
Social Media | Social media is a fishing net that has brought many different people together. |
Food | Food can reconcile even the worst of enemies |
Technology | Technology is a tool, not a solution |
Education | Education is the key to success |
Money | Money isn’t evil; it just exposes evil people |
Bottom Line
You want your theme statement to be the final piece that brings everything together. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your article, and it may take some tweaking. Having a clear idea of what your essay is about and who your audience is will help you.

I‘m a freelance content and SEO writer with a passion for finding the perfect combination of words to capture attention and express a message. I create catchy, SEO-friendly content for websites, blogs, articles, and social media. My experience spans many industries, including health and wellness, technology, education, business, and lifestyle. My clients appreciate my ability to craft compelling stories that engage their target audience, but also help to improve their website’s search engine rankings. I’m also an avid learner and stay up to date on the latest SEO trends. I enjoy exploring new places and reading up on the latest marketing and SEO strategies in my free time.