Top 100+ Topic Sentence Examples
A topic sentence, also called the critical idea, is found at the beginning of an essay.
It states what you are going to talk about. A topic sentence can be one of two things: a claim that the writer believes but needs evidence to back up their argument (thesis), or a general overview of what will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Pro tip: Please note that typically, the topic sentence is used to refer to those sentences that start a paragraph and communicate the main idea in that paragraph only, while the thesis statement is typically used to refer to a statement that communicates the main idea (s) in an essay. Thus, a topic sentence should link back to the thesis statement.
There are three types of topic sentences: direct quotes from multiple sources, general statements about what the reader should know, and personal experience related to the topic.
A good topic sentence will make sure there are no surprises for your reader. It gives the reader time to process what you’re saying before they move on to read more content.
This blog post has been created to help you develop topic sentences that tell your reader what they need to know. Read on for 100+ topic sentence examples!
Top Topic Sentence Examples in a Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is sometimes written as a topic sentence. If you are writing an argumentative essay, you should use this type of topic sentence to claim your main idea.
1. While many people are suffering from the lack of rain, others are suffering even more through lack of water.
2. Since most parasites cannot be seen with the naked eye, they can be challenging to detect.
3. While most people are aware of the environmental benefits of recycling, many people are still unaware of where they can recycle for free or how easy it is to start recycling at home
4. Research on gender reveals that some cultures are more accepting than others, but there is still work to be done.
5. When it comes to food choices, people base their opinions on personal beliefs rather than facts or evidence.
6. Global warming is a growing threat. In addition to causing natural disasters such as superstorm Sandy and the recent hurricanes in Texas and Puerto Rico that have caused billions of dollars worth of damage, this issue has influenced elections and policy.
7. The United States is the only industrialized nation without mandated paid maternity leave.
8. Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election because he promised to bring back jobs and create 25 million new jobs for American workers within ten years.
9. The United States is the only industrialized nation without mandated paid maternity leave. Mothers choose to return to work after six weeks of recovery because they cannot afford unpaid leave. This is a problem that must be addressed if we want an equal share in childcare responsibilities.
10. Research has shown that students from low-income households tend to do worse in school than their peers. As a result, they earn less money in the future. For example, one study found that students from the bottom income quartile had a third-grade reading level by eighth grade. Their wealthy peers were reading at a sixth-grade level.
11. In 1995, while Jimmy Fallon was hosting “The Rosie O’Donnell Show” on Fox, he and Rosie made a bet: if he did ten push-ups, she would do ten sit-ups.

Interesting Topic Sentences – Essay Topics about College Life
1. One of my most vivid childhood memories is the first time I got sick.
2. When I was in college, one of my professors gave me some excellent advice that has stuck with me through the years.
3. After moving into my new dorm room in college, I realized how much work I had to do to make it feel like a home away from home.
4. After moving into my new dorm room in college, I realized how much work I had to do to make it feel like a home away from home.
5. When I was in college, one of my professors gave me some really good advice that has stuck with me through the years.
6. Today, I’m going to give you all some advice that I wish someone would have given me when I was your age—so listen closely.
Top Essay Topic Sentences on Teen pregnancy
1. Some people say that teenage pregnancy is a problem in our country, but others believe it’s a blessing.
2. Teen pregnancy is often thought of as a social issue in the United States—and for a good reason: according to one study, out of all high school students who become pregnant or cause a pregnancy, only 5% graduate from college by the age of 30.
3. Many teens who have kids at a young age are more likely to drop out of high school and struggle financially.
4. Teen pregnancy is a big issue in the United States today, and for a good reason: according to one study, out of all high school students who become pregnant or cause a pregnancy, only 5% graduate from college by the age of 30.
5. In some countries around the world—like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark—teenage pregnancy is actually on the decline.
6. Some teens who have children can finish high school and go to college or trade school.
7. Having a child at a young age is often a curse because it can make life difficult for teens who cannot support themselves financially.

Examples of Informative Essay Topic Sentences
Informative essays are written to provide the reader with information about a particular topic. As such, it may be challenging to decide on a good topic for your paper. The following sentence examples will help guide you:
- I like turtles because they are cute.
- To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite novel.
- I like to run in the morning because it is good exercise and helps me wake up.
- One of the most popular vegetables to grow in a home garden is corn.
- The capital of Alaska is Juneau, though many people believe it’s Anchorage.
- Grade three students will learn about indigenous and immigrant populations and how these groups have shaped Canada’s history.
- Some people believe that the best way to prevent disease is to wash your hands with soap and water, while others think it is more effective to use hand sanitizer instead.
- The First Nations peoples of Canada are often thought of as nomadic tribes or wanderers.
- I like pizza because it is delicious and cheap.

Examples of Persuasive Essay Topic Sentences
Persuasive essays are written to convince the reader that a particular opinion or stance is right or wrong. As such, it can be challenging to find an effective topic sentence for a persuasive essay. The following essay sentences can help you get started:
1. It is essential to protect the environment because it affects all of us.
2. The best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, not taking pills or starvation.
3. We should stop bullying in schools because it makes students feel unsafe, rejected, and unworthy.
4. I believe that we should make vaccinations mandatory because they will protect our children and communities.
5. Children should be allowed to play outside with no adult supervision because it is healthier and safer than cooping them up inside.
6. Today, children are more likely to be obese because they spend too much time indoors and on their computers or watching TV instead of being active outdoors.

Examples of Descriptive Essay Topic Sentences
Descriptive essays aim to create a clear picture of a certain person, place, event, or object in the reader’s mind. It can be challenging to choose an effective topic sentence for a descriptive essay. The following sentences may help:
1. My old elementary school was filled with memories and happiness, and I enjoyed all of my time there until high school began
2. The smell of rain permeates the air in anticipation before any actual drops have fallen to the ground.
3. My life in elementary school was very different from now, and I sometimes miss the simplicity of those days.
4. Sometimes, when you look at an old photograph of yourself, you can pinpoint the moment when your life changed forever.
5. Relationships can be complicated, and they can also help us to learn more about ourselves.
6. Animals have been on this planet far longer than humans have, and they have endured more hardships throughout history.
7. I sit down at my desk and stare out the window behind it, watching people hurry past with umbrellas when suddenly a heavy rain begins to fall.
8. When I stand up in front of the class at my new school, butterflies fill my stomach, and it feels like all eyes are on me.
9. It is an overcast morning when I leave for work.
10. On Sundays afternoons, I make a cup of hot cocoa and curl up on my couch with a good book and a fuzzy blanket.

Examples of Expository Essay Topic Sentences
Expository essay topics require you to explain, describe, define, or otherwise make the reader aware of an idea. Topic sentences for these types of essays should serve as a road map that sums up what you will be discussing in your paper and why it is essential. The following sentences may help:
1. Obesity is a serious public health issue because it can lead to other diseases, disabilities, and even death.
2. The human brain is the source of all cognition in humans because it controls our senses, memory, emotions, and other processes.
3. Education is essential because it allows people to understand how the world works, improve their circumstances through knowledge, and pass on what they have learned to future generations.
4. Self-driving cars are becoming more popular with each passing day because they can reduce accidents and congestion on the roads.
5. Media literacy is essential because it helps us understand how advertisements, news stories, and entertainment programs affect us personally.
6. All humans experience stress from time to time because of increased demands at school, work, or home.
Examples of Narrative Essay Topic Sentences
Narrative essay topics show rather than tell. A good topic sentence for this type of essay should suggest what the story will be about and what the author hopes to convey. The following sentences may help:
1. I was walking home from school when it happened: a car with no driver came barreling out of an alley and rammed into me, leaving me in critical condition for several weeks.
2. I remember it as if it were yesterday: the first time I came home to find my roommate’s cat perched on my pillow, curled up and purring as though she’d lived with me all her life.
3. Growing up, I was always the shy girl who preferred books to friends because I did not have much self-confidence.
4. It took several years before I found the strength within myself to move on with my life after the death of my parents.
5. My grandfather lives on a farm surrounded by acres of land he has cultivated over the past several decades.
6. Sports taught me more about life than any classroom could because I learned the value of teamwork, hard work, and perseverance.
7. Obesity is on the rise in many countries throughout the world for several reasons, including poor eating habits and lack of exercise.
8. Businesses that use their profits to hire more employees or purchase new equipment are the most successful because they create opportunities for individuals who need them.

Examples of Opinion Essay Topic Sentences
Opinion essays convey the author’s feelings and ideas about a subject that interests her. Good topic sentences for this type of paper should capture the main point or argument that the writer wants to make. The following sentences may help:
1. I believe that one key to understanding Shakespeare’s Macbeth is analyzing how conflicting messages influence its protagonist’s decisions and actions, which eventually leads him to murder.
2. I believe that cosmetic surgery has many benefits, including increased self-confidence and a more attractive appearance for both men and women.
3. I believe poverty has many adverse effects often overlooked by the public, such as limited access to health care and education.
4. There is no question that families come in all shapes and sizes, but I believe that the ideal family is one that consists of two parents and children.
5. The introduction of new technology is often exciting for consumers, but I believe that it can hurt society as well
6. The environment plays a significant role in our health and the health of other living things.
7. The introduction of video games into contemporary culture has had many positive effects, including increased hand-eye coordination and problem-solving.
8. I believe dogs make better pets than cats because they are more loving, loyal, and devoted to their owners.
9. I believe that student leader elections should be determined by the number of votes a candidate receives, rather than who is most popular.
10. The professional athletes that I admire most are those who use their fame to help others rather than simply enjoy material riches.
Examples of Descriptive Essay Topic Sentences
Descriptive essays paint pictures in the reader’s mind by using clear, vivid language to communicate their message. Good topic sentences for this type of paper should suggest what the author will describe in their essay. The following sentences may help:
1. I sit down at my desk and stare out the window behind it, watching people hurry past with umbrellas when suddenly a heavy rain begins to fall.
2. When I stand up in front of the class at my new school, butterflies fill my stomach, and it feels like all eyes are on me.
3. It is an overcast morning when I leave for work.
4. On Sundays afternoons, I make a cup of hot cocoa and curl up on my couch with a good book and a fuzzy blanket.
5. A few months ago, I was in the hospital recovering from surgery, and I began to feel scared and lonely, so I turned to my father for comfort and reassurance.
6. Every time we pull into the driveway, I still think it is beautiful even though I’ve lived here my entire life.
7. When I was a child, I had trouble falling asleep at night because the images of the shadows on the wall were eerie and frightening to me.
8. The day that will always remain in my memory is when we stood outside our house watching the waves crash into the shore after Hurricane Katrina.
9. The busy streets are bustling with people, the sun is shining brightly in the sky, and I can smell freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery as I walk along the crowded sidewalk.
10. A few weeks ago, when it was cold outside but sunny, I felt like my world was full of life again after a long and exhausting winter.
Examples of Argumentative Essay Topic Sentences
Argumentative essays judge the validity of an issue, and they use evidence to support their claims. Good topic sentences for this type of paper should express the opinion that the writer wants to prove and then state how they will argue in favor of it. The following sentences may help:
1. I believe that the education system in America needs to be reformed because the amount of money that we spend per student is excessive.
2. Although the traditional school experience is changing as more and more homeschooling families opt for this educational option, some people argue that homeschooled students may not be as well-adjusted as those who attend public or private schools.
3. Although everyone knows that parents are supposed to teach their kids how to drive responsibly, many teenagers do not listen to their parents’ safety advice.
4. Although it is essential to teach students about the dangers of peer pressure, I believe that there are more effective ways of doing so than forcing an entire class to watch a movie about it.
5. Although some people believe that the internet makes us more isolated, I’m afraid I have to disagree because it also allows us to connect with others through social media platforms and online chatrooms.
6. I believe that the public school system should be privatized because it is failing students in great need of learning.
7. I am not sure whether or not violence on television hurts the viewers because some studies have shown positive effects, but others show negative ones.
8. Although some people argue that it is a good idea to buy a house as soon as you can afford it because homeownership gives us more financial stability than renting, I’m afraid I have to disagree because this often results in people taking out large mortgages they cannot afford.
9. Pets have always been a source of comfort for humans throughout history, but not everyone agrees that they are necessary. Some people argue that the money you would be spending on having a pet could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
10. Our society seems to be obsessed with high definition television and our desire for powerful computers. Many people argue that the time we spend using these things is taking away from quality family time or other productive activities. I can’t entirely agree because they also provide many benefits such as access to educational material and helping us stay connected with friends and family members who live far away.
Examples of Topic Sentences in a Paragraph
1. Although some people might argue that the internet is making us more isolated, I can’t entirely agree because it also allows us to connect with others through social media platforms and online chatrooms.
2. Although everyone knows that parents are supposed to teach their children how to drive responsibly, many teenagers do not listen to their parents’ safety advice.
3. Although real-life experience is essential for students, I believe that some skills are better taught in the classroom rather than on the job.
4. To live longer and healthier, many people believe that they should spend more time exercising and less time watching television.
5. Many people argue that many of our educational problems would be relieved if we stopped giving students so much homework. Still, I’m afraid I have to disagree because there are different types of learners, and this method of studying is more suited to some than others.
6. Technology has changed the way we live, especially when it comes to how we communicate with each other. However, some people argue that this has led to increased isolation. I’m afraid I have to disagree because there are also many benefits such as access to educational material and helping us stay connected with friends and family members who live far away.
7. Some parents believe that a child should not use cell phones until they reach a certain age. This is because it is too much of a distraction and can put them at risk of cyberbullying. Although this makes sense, I can’t entirely agree because it would be difficult for students to stay in touch with their parents in case of an emergency.
8. I believe that the education system should be reformed because of the adverse effects of teaching to the test and the lack of training for teachers.
Research Paper Topic Sentence Examples
1. Although some people prefer to work in an office, I know that I can get more done when working at home.
2. The job market is becoming increasingly competitive. Therefore more college students are opting to attend graduate school after getting their bachelor’s degrees.
3. To be successful in the job market, it is essential to have strong interpersonal skills because employers are looking for people who can work well with others.
4. Some people believe that technology has worsened our thinking, but I believe this is because they are not using it properly. For example, I could complete my homework faster by searching online for the answers instead of trying to work them out on my own.
In writing, a topic sentence is a sentence that clearly expresses the main idea of a paragraph. They can be used as a good way to start paragraphs and catch the reader’s attention. Topic sentences are often found in persuasive essays and academic papers because it helps make an argument clear and concise by supporting points with evidence from research.
We hope this article has helped you better understand the importance of topic sentences. Knowing how to write good topic sentences can be beneficial in academic work and daily life. Thank you for reading!

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