Informative speech topics

Top 100 Informative Speech Topics


An informative speech topic is one that intends to educate the audience on specific issues. The speech should be delivered with enough facts and statistics applied to enlighten the crowd about the matter. However, this does not mean that all informative speeches use cramming and massaging of data for their content since there are other means for delivering information. An informative speech is also meant to be delivered in a formal tone and includes information that could be of use to the audience. It should also have an introduction, conclusion as well as supporting details contained in it.

If you are looking for good informative speech topics, here are some sample topics. They are in different categories.

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Interesting Informative Speech Topics:

1. How a computer virus attack occurs.

2. What are the commonly known reasons people develop an addiction to drugs?

3. How a new method of producing oil in drilling helps companies produce more with less waste and pollution?

4. Top five famous personalities that suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

5. A list of the things that could cause a person to have nightmares.

6. How does a criminal mind think and work?

7. The need for conflict management between nations/states in international relations and how it benefits both the countries involved and the world in general.

8. Different types of ailments and their home remedies (a beneficial topic for those suffering from a disease and looking for its remedy).

9. How to make money by trading stocks online?

10. The process involved in the development of an integrated circuit!

11. What are the commonly known ways to maintain your skin healthy?

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Good Informative Speech Topics for Students:

1. The causes and effects of pollution in the environment.

2. A comparison between the modern education system and that of the olden days (old vs. new).

3. How to make use of effective communication skills at the workplace?

4. What is the role of media in shaping people’s opinions on a particular topic?

5. What are the commonly known factors that contribute to divorce in marriage?

6. How to develop good study habits as a student?

7. The role and importance of government policies towards maintaining law and order within society.

8. An explanation of how some simple adjustments in your outlook can help you have a better perspective on life.

9. An analysis of the concept of love was presented in great detail by William Shakespeare.

10. The common reasons why people commit suicide?

11. What causes global warming, and what are its effects on human lives?

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Good Informative Speech Topics for College Students:

1. How to develop communication skills.

2. How to develop leadership qualities.

3. An explanation of how a corporation can make sure it remains profitable in the market through effective resource management?

4. A detailed comparison between two works of art while highlighting the techniques used by the artists (both modern and classical).

5. What are the commonly known causes of sexual harassment at the workplace?

6. How to maintain a healthy relationship with your parents while growing up as an adult?

7. How to improve the quality of education in schools by introducing innovative methods (or get rid of traditional ones)?

8. What are the commonly known factors that usually lead to death, and what actions should be taken to avoid them?

9. A detailed explanation of the causes of homelessness.

10. How to stay safe in an emergency, i.e., fire, flood, or natural disasters like earthquakes?

As a college student, you may also be interested in expository essay topics

Informative Topics About Politics, Law, and Business:

1. The process involved in electing a president of a country?

2. What are the commonly known effects of terrorism on people’s lives and efforts made by governments to fight it?

3. A list of things that could affect the cost of living.

4. A comparison between two political parties’ views on an issue that is important to you.

5. A comparison between a government-issued ID and a passport when travelling abroad.

6. How does the present law system work in your country?

7. How to analyze the performance of an organization through SWOT analysis?

8. What are the commonly known factors that lead to high inflation?

9. A detailed analysis of how to sell a new idea/product to people.

10. What are the commonly known factors involved in the making of public policies by a government?

11. What are the commonly known causes of economic depression?

12. A detailed analysis of how to prepare a business plan.

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Informative Speech Topics About Health:

1. A detailed analysis of how the human body processes toxic substances in foods and ways to reduce toxicity.

2. How to prepare nutritious meals for growing children.

3. The most commonly known causes of wrinkles on the face and practical remedies available?

4. How to reduce body fats effectively and stay healthy?

5. What are the common causes of migraine headaches?

6. A detailed analysis of how products like cosmetics, alcohol, etc. affect our skin and what we can do to take care of it

7. A comparison between two popular methods of exercise and their effectiveness in burning fat effectively?

8. How to deal with diabetes naturally at home without affecting the body’s ability to sense sweetness?

9. What are the common causes of childhood obesity?

10. How to protect our body from germs and viruses?

11. A detailed comparison between two popular methods of exercise and their effectiveness in burning fat effectively?

12. What are the common causes of anxiety attacks and their effects on people’s lives?

13. What are the common symptoms of depression and their effect on people’s lives?

14. What are the commonly known causes of death, and how to deal with them?

Fun, Informative Speech Topics:

1. A quick guide on how to choose a pet

2. Ways to deal with stress effectively while doing exams or studying for tests.

3. A detailed analysis of how to clean and maintain swimming pools (how-to).

4. A list of things one should know before travelling abroad

5. What are the commonly known causes of stress in people’s lives and ways to deal with it?

6. A comparison between two music bands or singers, based on their popularity

7. How to make a delicious sandwich at home?

8. What are the benefits of cooking with coconut oil?

9. A list of different foods that help build strong bones, teeth, and muscles

10. A fun and straightforward guide to making a delicious cake

11. What are the commonly known causes of burnout?

12. A detailed comparison between two different methods of communication and their effectiveness in delivering messages

13. What are the commonly known causes of acne breakouts on the face, and how to deal with it?

14. What are the commonly known causes of dandruff, and how to deal with it?

15. How can you protect yourself from identity theft?

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Sports Informative Speech Topics:

1. A detailed analysis of the ways to reduce stress while playing games

2. What are the commonly known causes of muscle cramps and their effects on players?

3. What are the commonly known criteria for judging a good soccer player?

4. How to play soccer like professional players

5. What are the commonly known causes of bone fractures, and what can be done to prevent them?

6. How to prepare a good football ground for an international match to reduce chances of injuries and maintain fair play

7. What are the commonly known criteria for judging a good football team?

8. How to kick like professional players

9. What are the common causes of injuries during a game, and how can we protect from them?

10. A short comparison between two different styles of playing cricket based on entertainment and their popularity

11. What are the commonly known causes of broken bones, and how to prevent them?

12. How to develop a good soccer ground in one’s backyard or school by simply maintaining three key factors such as size, shape, and quality of the grass

13. What are some of the most common causes of injuries during horse riding, and how to deal with them?

14. A detailed comparison between two popular styles in basketball and their effectiveness in achieving set targets

15. What are the commonly known features or characteristics of a good cricket player?

Informative Speech Topics on Religion:

1. What are the commonly known causes of atheism and its effects on people’s lives?

2. What are the commonly known features or characteristics of Buddha?

3. What are the commonly known features or characteristics of Allah?

4. A comparison between two religions based on their effectiveness in achieving set targets and reducing crime

5. How to prepare and present a good sermon?

6. What are some of the expected rewards or punishments that come to those who practice religious teachings?

7. How to be successful in life through practicing religious teachings?

8. What are some of the common causes and effects of converting from one religion to another?

9. A comparison between two different religions based on their influence on people’s lives.

10. What are the commonly known characteristics of a good preacher?

11. How to reduce stress and achieve goals through practicing religious teachings?

12. How to achieve a successful career through religion?

13. What are some of the commonly known causes and effects of religious conflicts between two countries?

14. What are some common moral teachings that people may not be aware of but have impacted their lives significantly (religion, morality)?

15. A detailed comparison between two different religions based on their impacts on society and their effectiveness in dealing with various situations.

Informative Speech Topics on Family and Parenting:

1. How to raise a child to be an independent and successful adult with little effort?

2. What are some of the most important things that families can do to build stronger relationships with one another?

3. The common family values of today and how they have changed over time.

4. Whether or not higher education is necessary for a successful family?

5. The challenges that families face when trying to stay together despite outside pressures that try to destroy their relationship.

6. Tips on parenting through technology such as social networking and texting, etc.

7. Teaching your child the value of financial responsibility and how to be a fiscally conservative adult.

8. Different methods for disciplining children. Positive approaches versus negative disciplinary actions that are more traditional.

9. What are the values of my family? How do they come about?

10. What are the values of my culture, and how have they been passed on through generations?

11. How to adapt to different cultures while maintaining your own family’s core beliefs without sacrificing too much.

12. How can I use technology to stay connected with my children when we live in a very rural area?

13. How can you help a family in which both parents and children struggle with depression?

14. How do you deal with bullies within the family?

15. Why is it important for families to be connected in times of disaster and stress, such as natural disasters, etc.…?

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Psychology Informative Speech Topics:

1. What are some of the causes and effects of sleep deprivation on the body?

2. Why do people cry easily or show little to no emotion in certain situations?

3. The common psychological effects that come with retirement from a lifelong career

4. What are some of the commonly known symptoms and cures for different types of depression?

5. What are some of the commonly known symptoms and cures for different types of anxiety?

6. What are some common psychological effects on people who belong to a minority group or culture?

7. How do you deal with a loved one who has been diagnosed with a mental illness that requires constant care, such as Alzheimer’s, etc?

8. How to prevent and treat different addictions, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex addiction, etc.

9. What are some of the psychological effects on people who have been convicted of a crime and served their sentence?

10. How is cultural diversity perceived psychologically by both minority groups and the larger group or culture they are a part of?

11. How to deal with a teenager who has been diagnosed with depression or anxiety at an early age.

12. How to help your child develop healthy eating habits that will lead them to a more active and healthier lifestyle as an adult.

13. What is the difference between shyness, introversion, and social anxiety disorder?

14. How to deal with the psychological effects of divorce in a family.

15. What are some practical ways to help lower your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease and other mental illnesses as you age?

Controversial Informative Speech Topics:

1. The problem of racism in the United States and what comes about because of it, historically as well as today.

2. Why are some people against interracial marriage, and why do others fight for its legalization?

3. What are some of the most common stereotypes about specific races or cultures? How do these stereotypes affect society as a whole?

4. How do different genders feel about a gender-neutral society? Is a male or female-dominated society more productive and efficient?

5. What are some of the biggest problems that illegal immigrants face when assimilating into American culture?

6. Should religion be taught in schools where children attend mixed religious backgrounds, such as public schools?

7. What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of globalization on economic, political, and social levels?

8. Do you believe that if we had less government regulation, our economy would be more successful as a whole?

9. What are some arguments in favor of keeping abortion legal in all cases across the United States? Why is it important to keep abortion legal?

10. What are some of the different ways people can express their sexuality and what is considered socially acceptable, morally right, or wrong in our culture?

11. Why do you think it is so hard for the government to eliminate Social Security and Medicare when they have created such a financial burden on the American taxpayer?

12. What are some of the psychological effects on people who have suffered from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction throughout their lives, especially during their formative years?

13. How do people feel about social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc? Do they believe it has had a positive or negative impact on society?

14. Why is it that we are so fascinated by natural disasters and the devastation they cause? How does this affect our society as a whole?

15. Is marriage becoming obsolete in modern society, or do you feel that it still holds a sacred place in many people’s lives?

You can check more controversial topics, especially for teenagers.

Informative Speech Topics About Animals:

1. The most dangerous animals on earth and why they are so deadly.

2. What are some of the benefits people can gain from adopting certain wild animals, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, etc?

3. Do you believe animals should have all of the same rights we do in society, or should there be a compromise between species rights and human needs?

4. What are some of the psychological effects on people who raise and interact with certain wild animals, such as gorillas, bears, etc?

5. Why do you feel that it is better to keep certain species of wild animals in zoos instead of having them free-roaming without any boundaries or structure in the wild?

6. How much money do we spend each year, as a country, taking care of our pets, and what do you feel about those who treat them more like family members than simple animals or possessions?

7. What are some of the benefits of owning pet parrots versus exotic pets, such as snakes, monkeys, etc.?

8. Do you think that animals should have the same rights in our society that humans do? What about where they live or what type of food they eat?

9. What messes up your whole day when you see it? What makes you wonder how people could be so cruel and careless with other living creatures?

10. What are some of the most severe consequences that can happen when a person chooses to abuse an animal or neglect to feed it?

11. What are some of the biggest mistakes that pet owners make when feeding their pets, such as dogs, cats, horses, etc?

12. Why do you think there are so many homeless pets in the United States, and what can we do to help make their living conditions more humane?

13. Why is it okay for people to keep pets while other animals must be caged or locked up where they cannot escape?

14. Do you believe that wild animal parks should be allowed to exist, and if so, what kinds of regulations should be in place to ensure the safety of humans and animals alike?

Informative Speech Topics About Technology and Media

1. How will the world look in 50 years? What kind of technological advances do you think we will have made by then, and how will they affect our lives?

2. Why is it that so many people risk their personal safety to take a picture with an escaped animal, such as a bear or wolf, after being captured or re-captured and given a sedative?

3. What is the most essential technological advancement that happened last year, or do you think will happen soon?

4. How will artificial intelligence change our lives in the next 10 years? Will it be more of a threat to society or benefit us as a whole?

5. Are there any new technologies out there that will change the way we live and breathe?

6. Why are there so many people out there who feel it is okay to use cell phones while driving and putting other people’s lives at risk, such as pedestrians, cyclists, etc?

7. How does technology harm our society? What kinds of things do you see people doing that are dangerous or just plain rude?

8. How do the media and social networking sites affect our everyday lives? What types of things do you feel like we let social networks run our social interactions?

9. Do you think humans will ever live in a world where they don’t need to communicate with each other verbally anymore, especially for long distances?

10. Why do people feel compelled to use the internet so much when they obviously should be focusing on more important things, such as family, schoolwork, social interaction in real life, etc?

11. What are some of the most significant technological advancements that could have been used for better than harm but were abused and misused instead?

12. What are some of the most significant technological advancements that you wish existed but don’t? Why do you feel like they don’t exist yet, and when do you think they will be invented?

13. How can we as a society make sure that technology is used for good, instead of evil or with bad intentions in mind?

You may also check the pros and cons of video games, which is also a potential informative-technological topic!

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